
Human Computer Interaction分野のトップカンファレンスの一つであるCHIの論文を簡潔に紹介していきます。


Exploring Auditory Information to Change Users’ Perception of Time Passing as Shorter

Paper Info title: Exploring Auditory Information to Change Users’ Perception of Time Passing as Shorter link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3313831.3376157 author: Takanori Komatsu and Seiji Yamada venue: CHI'20 Summary 音声インターフ…

Race Yourselves: A Longitudinal Exploration of Self-Competition Between Past, Present, and Future Performances in a VR Exergame

Paper Info title: Race Yourselves: A Longitudinal Exploration of Self-Competition Between Past, Present, and Future Performances in a VR Exergame link: https://purehost.bath.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/203367803/RaceYourselves_CHI2020.pdf …

INWARD: A Computer-Supported Tool for Video-Reflection Improves Efficiency and Effectiveness in Executive Coaching

Paper Info title: INWARD: A Computer-Supported Tool for Video-Reflection Improves Efficiency and Effectiveness in Executive Coaching link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3313831.3376703 author: Riku Arakawa and Hiromu Yakura / The Univ…

PenSight: Enhanced Interaction with a Pen-Top Camera

Paper Info title: PenSight: Enhanced Interaction with a Pen-Top Camera link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3313831.3376147 author: Fabrice Matulic / PFN venue: CHI'20 Summary Penに魚眼カメラをつけて、タブレットインタラクションを様々に…

Automated Class Discovery and One-Shot Interactions for Acoustic Activity Recognition

Paper Info title: Automated Class Discovery and One-Shot Interactions for Acoustic Activity Recognition link: https://chrisharrison.net/projects/listenlearner/ListenLearner.pdf author: Jason Wu et al./ CMU venue: CHI'20 Summary 音による行…

Co-Designing Checklists to Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI

Paper Info title: Co-Designing Checklists to Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI link: http://www.jennwv.com/papers/checklists.pdf author: Michael A. Madaio et al. / MSR venue: CHI'20 Summary AIの倫…

Wireality: Enabling Complex Tangible Geometries in Virtual Reality with Worn Multi-String Haptics

Paper Info title: Wireality: Enabling Complex Tangible Geometries in Virtual Reality with Worn Multi-String Haptics link: https://chrisharrison.net/projects/wireality/wireality.pdf author: Cathy Fang et al./ CMU venue: CHI'20 Summary 肩に…

Chasm: A Screw Based Expressive Compact Haptic Actuator

Paper Info title: Chasm: A Screw Based Expressive Compact Haptic Actuator link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pornthep_Preechayasomboon/publication/339676098_Chasm_A_Screw_Based_Expressive_Compact_Haptic_Actuator/links/5e5f4dfb92851…

Enhancing Mobile Voice Assistants with WorldGaze

Paper Info title: Enhancing Mobile Voice Assistants with WorldGaze link: https://chrisharrison.net/projects/worldgaze/WorldGaze.pdf author: Sven Mayer et al. / CMU venue: CHI'20 Summary iPhoneのフロントカメラとリアカメラを同時に開けて、ユ…

Next Steps in Human-Computer Integration

Paper Info title: Next Steps in Human-Computer Integration link: https://www.martinweigel.com/hint/2020-HInt.pdf author: Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller and Pedro Lopes, et al. venue: CHI'20 Summary Human Computer Integration (HInt) が近年目覚まし…

Random, Messy, Funny, Raw: Finstas as Intimate Reconfigurations of Social Media

Paper Info title: Random, Messy, Funny, Raw: Finstas as Intimate Reconfigurations of Social Media link: http://www.niloufar.org/publications/2020/Finsta_CHI2020.pdf author: Sijia Xiao et al. / UCB venue: CHI'20 Summary Instagramで特定の仲…

PoCoPo: Handheld Pin-based Shape Display for Haptic Rendering in Virtual Reality

Paper Info title: PoCoPo: Handheld Pin-based Shape Display for Haptic Rendering in Virtual Reality link: http://www.shigeodayo.com/download/pocopo/pocopo_chi2020.pdf author: Shigeo Yoshida et al. / The University of Tokyo venue: CHI'20 Sum…

Virtual Reality Without Vision: A Haptic and Auditory White Cane to Navigate Complex Virtual Worlds

Paper Info title: Virtual Reality Without Vision: A Haptic and Auditory White Cane to Navigate Complex Virtual Worlds link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2020/02/Siu-VR_without_vision-CHI2020.pdf author: Alexa F. Si…

Do You Feel Like Passing Through Walls?: Effect of Self-Avatar Appearance on Facilitating

Paper Info title: Do You Feel Like Passing Through Walls?: Effect of Self-Avatar Appearance on Facilitating Realistic Behavior in Virtual Environments link: https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/aa1200df-fb59-44ae-9402-abc5d1bd0f68/Paper…

Touching and Being in Touch with the Menstruating Body

Paper Info title: Touching and Being in Touch with the Menstruating Body link: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1387014/FULLTEXT01.pdf author: Nadia Campo Woytuk et al. / KTH Royal Institute of Technology venue: CHI'20 Summary …

Wearable Microphone Jamming

Paper Info title: Wearable Microphone Jamming link: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~ravenben/publications/pdf/ultra-chi20.pdf author: Yuxin Chen et al. / University of Chicago venue: CHI'20 Summary 身の回りのマイクによる盗聴などのプライバシ…

Self-Determination Theory in HCI Games Research: Current Uses and Open Questions

Paper Info title: Self-Determination Theory in HCI Games Research: Current Uses and Open Questions link: https://research.aalto.fi/files/40334523/CHI2020_SDT_in_Games_preprint.pdf author: April Tyack and Elisa D. Mekler / Queensland Univer…

Pedagogical Agents for Fostering Question-Asking Skills in Children

Paper Info title: Pedagogical Agents for Fostering Question-Asking Skills in Children link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.03472 author: Mehdi Alaimi et al. venue: CHI'20 Summary 教室内で生徒が質問を積極的にすることは大事であるので、質問力を鍛…

Optimizing for Happiness and Productivity: Modeling Opportune Moments for Transitions and Breaks at Work

Paper Info title: Optimizing for Happiness and Productivity: Modeling Opportune Moments for Transitions and Breaks at Work link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/optimizing-for-happiness-and-productivity-modeling-opport…